*1941-:Death of RABINDRANATH TAGORE,regarded as BISHWA KABI be the Indian author,poet also the achiever of nobel prize in literature. *1927-:A…
*10 BC-Claudius the Roman Emperor Born. *1936-World’s most popular sporting event OLYMPIC opened at BERLIN. *1957-NORTH AMERICAN AEROSPACE DEFENSE COMMAND(NORAD)…
All the planet belongs to a systematic rule of regulation, regarded as the solar system. Where all the planet being…
1264-In the battle of Lewes, England is forced for signing the mise of Lewes 1918-The mayor of cape town Harry…
HEALTH -The most precious thing all over the world for each and everybody. Otherwise it be the state of complete…
413-There have a signs done by emperor Honorius which provides tax relief for the italian provinces 1492-Birth anniversary of Andera…
1264-In the battle of Lewes, England is forced for signing the mise of Lewes 1918-The mayor of cape town…
413-There have a signs done by emperor Honorius which provides tax relief for the italian provinces 1492-Birth anniversary of…
1530-Birth anniversary of Louis, the prince of conde 1685-Vrtijelika battle held in between rebels and ottoman 1952-First publication of…
1945 –In the World War II, axis sally delivers her last propaganda broadcast to the allied troops. 1949-EDSAC,…
Meditation-It is defined as a practice which being involved with some technique used for individual uses which deals with…