Our life is uncertain and the lifecycle follows some rules and regulations with certain limitations. Generally, a child born and grows towards adulthood, executing the self-responses and finally reaches an older stage by spending the time with the dependency of their own children. Then at the end, comes the stage of demise. So no one is born immortal and during the uncertain life span, we should choose the path of righteousness, to become an inspiration to society and to be remembered forever.
Woman– regarded as a root power of the universe. Without this power, the world could never have grown or developed. In the current scenario, we talk a lot about the need for women empowerment but it is found that, a lot of them are still dependent on men and are not safe in our society. On the other hand, some women are participating very bravely and working for the betterment of society showing a form of greatness and keeping the ambition to do such work which would help others in finding out the right way to establish their career working for the development of society. So we should keep our heartfelt respect towards these types of women, who are doing such fantastic work for society and these are the real inspiration not only for the women but also for the entire society.
NAMRATA GUPTA KHAN– a woman from a commerce background, who hails from a middle-class family. But her luck pushed her with a life added on some coherence of musical entity. Now she is choosing her path as a business administrator and keeping effort to do such activity through the youth artist & talent will be groomed. After completing her degree course from Mumbai University, she started a career in customer services & sales and from that period she was seeing the dream to be a successful business administrator in a conveying form of good deeds and progressive effort. Apart from business administration skills, she is also talented with writing. Mentionable Namrata always likes to present her constructive thoughts throughout the writing. Even published some books like “A DREAM I LIVED ALONE”, which is the most popular creation of her. Recently she is working for her own event management company, “NR TALENT AND EVENT MANAGEMENT”. In some years of the period, it also successfully grew toward the goal of development and grooming the new talent & making their path toward success.
NAMRATA is the part of the family, where every corner fragrances with musical perfume. USTAD GULAM MUSTAFA KHAN the famed classical artist of India is her father-in-law, who is the goal setter of several legends-like-:A.R.RAHMAN, SHAAN, HARIHARAN, SONU NIGAM and many others. On this behalf, she is well attached with these legends and by involving these people, she is working out her strategy with the form of innovative concerned musical concerts & creative musical albums.
Her journey just started and long to long way she have to go, as per her choice & ambition. So let’s have a discussion with this aspiring woman and know more regarding her as well as her ambition.

Q1-Namrata Mam! At First, we would like to know more about the period of your earlier stage of life, when you were the child, student etc. Do you have any interesting spending period of phases on past which be the defined connecting way to your present position of phase?
In my view self-dependency and self-esteem is a big parameter which enhances the personality of any woman. So it was the time with so memorable memory, when I started earning at a very young age. During the earlier stage of mine, I understood that to survive in the society one thing we essentially needs-that is earning.”Be independent & be dedicated”-i was following during my adulthood.My most memorable and interesting period was in my earlier phase of life, when i got my first salary that was 3500 (@16 years of age) and I bought a Ganpati idol, which was made upon with metal and clay-cost around 3500. My mom got very happy & emotional and with such gleeful heart she said “Beta tu badi ho gayi hain”.
Q2-You are belonging from commerce & business administration sector but connected with a family where each and every corner filled with music, how do you feel by getting the such sort of combination?
It is very difficult to find my space and identity in a different environment that is musical environment. Me coming from commerce background but I am the person from mind more into making numbers.Though i am doing sales,marketing and it is my actual path & my profession but music is so genuinely applied on my life for getting mental peace & relaxation.It relaxes my entire life and I get the ultimate peace from it. Definitely both are opposite profession into 2 different worlds.But i feel so fortunate that i am attached with such a family where the entire surround filled with a musical galaxy and i choose myself as a tiny star on it,who can lighten some portion to the whole galaxy by a different skill-that is marketing,communicative & most important be the creativity.
Q3–Writing you passion as we know, even you have already published some of your books. What is the motto on your writing and how it reflects your inner choice and intention for society?
Yes,writing is my passion and i am the die hearted lover to express my inner thought by throughout writing.I always tries to motivate my readers to follows the right path in their life. “A Dream I Lived Alone” is my debut book. I got the thought for writing it after coming in to the USTAD GULAM MUSTAFA KHAN’s family as a Daughter-in-law.I started noticing him,observing him and felt that he is the such renowned Hindustani classical music artiste and his story needed to be penned in a feature of biography. Then I started to go on the missionary in a regular basic and researched him,his personality & his regular activities.By throughout these self-activities,I found myself in the unique position as a member of this family as well as a person who could give a fresh look to a living legend with the catchy expressive words. This book is an inspirational source for all categories of people who seeks inspiration to make their life in a best to best of form. Especially in the lockdown period everyone should read this book for getting guidance to fight against negativity & opposition.The book can motivates to the people for keeping patience by not surrendering near at problems.Also it shows the guided path to the aspirants,how to achieve the self goals-if one doing struggle for passion and working hard to achieve the goals.Then the people never should stop the way of struggle,if failure is damaging the willpower & self-confidence.

Q4-How was your connection from your father house to laws house, how do you feel by involving yourself on a musical surround as a member on its?
There wasn’t any difference among my Father & father In Law. It was so inspiring & memorable;when my father in law had come to my parent’s home to asks me for his 3rd son Rabbani Mustafa Khan, with whom I was in love. After coming to my father’s house, he told to my father, “ HAMARI BETI AAPKE GHAR PAR RAHI THI,HUM APNI BETI KO APNE GHAR LENE AAYE HAIN”. That’s one Statement of my father in law, changed my whole life.
Q5-Ustad Gulam Mustafa not a name but a golden name over the Indian musical world and a jewel of RAMPUR SHASWAN gharana, how you see him professionally and personally. Expecting a review from you with a form of non-partial manner?
He is not only a musician, but also a singer as well as a great guru.Then some other precious designation i having to designate him.That will be;he is the one of idol form of institution to expose the divine musical reform and a pure soul to flows the unique humanization.Otherwise he is the ideal people one,who does not emphasizes only on sur, riyaaz, music but also emphasizes on the matter to live a life by conveying the family along in the journey with a proper manner.
Q6-NR-TALENT & EVENT MANAGEMENT, when and how it was formed, how it is working on event conduction over the entertainment world. Is there any scope for new talent for making their career with better perspective?
NR Management and Events is a company which successfully crossing the glorious milestone over a decade. My husband Rabbani Mustafa Khan and myself run the shows according to the event;also we hire the young talents, employ on percentage bases.NR-TALENT & EVENT MANAGEMENT is the place,where we promote the young talented musicians. As per my personal expression by observing today’s psychology of people- it’s really sad that musician today are in much hurry to achieve.Next part For development we need genuine promoters and music labels.

Q7-We know you are out of the area of music in a technical view of consideration but attaching with it in such an efficient way of manner. How do you feel by giving your best for music?
I am very much attached with the music being a DIL of my idol- my father in law USTAD GULAM MUSTAFA KHAN. I do want to promote Indian Classical Music and want to support young, passionate talented kids who will grow under the guidance of FIL-be the one of musical academy.Which we are planning to launch as soon as possible.
Q8–Namrata Mam, you are a woman to whom other women if wish can choose their role model. But how they can reflect you & your all positiveness by their self-personality, as per your view of consideration?
They have to be passionate and highly determined other than being hard worker. Also need to have immense self-confidence.

Q9-How you see your life path and what you would like to choose your path with concerned action to fulfill all of your desired wish?
Our attitude is what influences all of our actions. It is only the right attitude, which gets us good results. I am just a learner and I say this to all the kids that be careful of who you look at and aspire to be.At a very young age @16 years I started working, travelling and so much that the people I got to meet were jaw dropping personalities and each one taught me something. I think I am just an embodiment of all of those choices.My goal is to just keep on learning and working and not to put a full stop until I die.