Astrology-It stated as the informative constitution regarding on the human affairs in a form of divinity and also it is the study regarding celestial objects. Though it is the enhancement process of classical doctrinal but there having lots of connectivity & compatibility of science with astrology. Some youth in India are accomplished with such very majestic job by keeping their enthusiasm for providing the wisdom among the people. Mentionable always it having the necessity for someone else concerned as minor candidate in ordered to age but efficient to share the wisdom regarding divinity & classical point of view among the same class of people, which could able to reform a survival stage of our tradition & culture among the modern society.
SHWETA BHARDWAJ, an originated engineering professional and she has been completed her master degree on computer application from Agra. But her ambitious pulled her toward on astrology. For why “PREDICTIONS FOR SUCCESS” is the established organization now has been growing toward on milestone of successive gateway to help people & showing them the right path in accordance of spirituality for achieving success in their life. Initially her mother was the inspiration & guidance for getting her degree on astrology & making herself as established astrologer. Then husband Mr Vishal Bhardwaj came to her life as another strength & now with his support she is on a progressive path with a meaningful life, which identifies a missionary for people’s development with an astrological effort.
So by throughout an interview-let’s know more regarding her ambitious & rise your level of self-cognitive over a candid discussion.
Q1. The Moral-:
SHWETAJI! firstly we would like to know regarding your connection with Astrology as an engineering professional, how was your initialization?
Shweta Bhardwaj-:Well, being honest, this has been a fascinating journey so far! When I look back, the sheer nostalgia gives me Goosebumps. Hailing from a very small village near Agra and in the dearth of substantial opportunities out there, I had a few orthodox career choices to make. Whether you be a Doctor or an engineer or end up being the fulcrum of a house- a housewife. But I never wished to be confined to any of them! Yes, I did my MCA from Agra University and got a decent job too with a satisfying salary but the sedentary job never enticed me. I knew I wanted something else, perhaps unique and dedicated to the wellbeing of people. My mother, She was an astrologer and I have seen her helping people in their hardships. Then I took the formal education in Astrology with her guidance, later on, our brainchild; PFS happened. So yes, as I said it’s an incredible journey so far.
Q2. The Moral-:
“PREDICTIONS FOR SUCCESS” how it was founded and by conveying which motto it running toward on people’s affirmation & developments?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: “PFS”- came into existence with the sole objective of reaching people and helping them to withstand the hardships they are dealing with. Me and my husband, we both took this drive together and by the grace of God, we have been able to reach people on this journey and have been fortunate to solve their problems. Well, the motto of PFS is reengineering spirituality and implementing it as a panacea to the problems of people. This land is saturated in the elixir of spirituality. If you see, from Bhagvat Gita to Chanakya Neeti, every gospel to epic have something precious to convey to mankind. So considering the temperament of millennials, we have remodeled that Vedic wisdom and essence of spirituality written in epics and have presented them as a contemporary insight. We believe, what we have got in this land is enough to guide the entire universe.
Q3. The Moral-:
What actually astrology related to, which varies from spiritual thinking in accordance of your view of consideration. Because as we know specifically there having some atheist in the society who never keep interest toward on religious practice but keep interest with astrology for their quick development?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: First of all, I would like to illustrate the dichotomy between atheism, astrology and spirituality. Religious belief is like a tiny compartment under the gigantic sky of spirituality. It has been an inalienable part of it but religion can’t be summed up as spirituality. So, a person without any inclination towards religion or an atheist can be spiritual! Spirituality is a relentless process. Meanwhile, Religion is static where certain values, rituals, and traditions become mandatory to follow. In spirituality, you decide the journey from evil to an angel but in religion, you just become what religion wants you to be. Spirituality includes feeling the cosmic power and being generous to every living and non-living being and you can be kind and munificent sans the sycophancy of a particular religion. You can follow astrology without being a hierophant of a particular religion.
Q4. The Moral-:
What is numerology, is there any connection there having in ordered to scientific termed algorithm?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: Well, as the name suggests, numerology has a lot to do with numbers. Generally speaking, it is a significant study of numbers and deciphering the hidden meaning behind them. In our day to day affairs, we come across numerous numbers that we don’t feel like worth remembering. But let me tell you, each number has something to convey. A decrease or increase in the number can make a huge difference in life, for example, at 98°f you can help anyone but at 101°f you need someone else to help you. Because you suffer from fever when the temperature of your body goes up! Simultaneously, a single droplet of lemonade is enough to split a hundred liter of milk. So a lot of things in our life are balanced because of their accurate proportion and numbers. Imagine if the 21 per cent oxygen in this atmosphere decreases to 20%, what would be the consequences!!! So, numbers have a lot to do with our life and numerology elucidates that proficiently.
Q5. The Moral-:
Shwetaji! can you please share with us an extended knowledge spheres regarding the constitution of science & the software developmental tool in an added form of astrology. A details technical explanation please?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: In the developed era technology already accompanied with astrology in addition with proficient and advanced data analytic tools. Which plays a very crucial part of it. These schematic systems are efficient to collect data from the clients and reform them to produce a much better prediction. As you know, conjunction and consequences are significant parts of the prediction. We astrologer consider the majority of feedback (which are the consequences of conjunction) of our clients as our substratum of prediction. In numerology also, we make sure to interpret the essence of numbers and give profound predictions to our clients. But the most important part is the remedies we suggest! They have been fruitful for our clients and we constantly strive to make them aware of our remedies. These remedies serve more psychologically to our clients and make them strong, mentally and morally.
Q6. The Moral-:
“VASHTU SASTRA”-what’s the authentic identification it consists along with & how it justifies the civil engineering terminology with a scientific derivational point of view?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: First, I would love to explain the Vastu Sastra to you. It is nothing just an amalgamation of five prime elements of this earth. So you see, this beautiful planet is beautifully designed according to Vastu Sastra. All we need to do, finding the strands of each aspect of Vastu and executing them in our life. As far as civil engineering and its inalienability from Vastu are concerned, a simple example I feel would substantial to answer this question. If you hire an architect to plan your house, he/she would suggest keeping the doors of the house in the northeast direction. Because the positivity of sunrise needs to enter your house from the northeast direction only. But in the afternoon, the intensity of having hazardous UV ray in the sunshine is very high. This is the reason the architect, according to Vastu, never suggests having big windows or doors in the south or southeast direction of your house. So yes, as you can see the profound relation between Vastu and Civil Engineering is so apparent.
Q7. The Moral-: Ethics says honesty & duty is everything and there having no importance of any other spiritual execution if we are immensely attached with these two things. Suppose this is completely true, then what need of astrology as per your consideration?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: First of all, taking the assistance of astrology doesn’t mean trivializing the magnanimity of duty and honesty. Duty and honesty, both are two main ingredients of our KARMA. But Karma is a two facet happening. It not only includes what we perform but also emphasizes what is best for us. Sometimes we don’t feel great about failures. But later on, we realize this failure has saved our precious life. So to know that best, astrology is the means! This is not the path of success but for sure the light in the tunnel you are destined to cripple in. We never ask people to derail from their righteousness but we suggest to them, what is best for them. Karma is a beautiful conglomeration of potentiality and possibility and astrology is the bridge that connects both the end, magically.
Q8. The Moral-:
Shwetaji! how your personal life supported toward on your journey with astrology?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: In the journey of my success, i am never alone! Maybe not in forefront but behind the back, for sure the prayer is on! I have been incredibly fortunate to have such people as a family who pray for my success, who deal with my difficulties and saunter with me on a route of constant ups and downs. I have told about the meticulous guidance, which i have got from my mother but for PFS I have my husband- my ultimate backbone. He has been a persistent pillar of support for me. He has strengthened me where I have stumbled, he has allowed me to lead PFS having immense confidence in me, he has partaken in this voyage wholeheartedly. His gamut of knowledge is the touchstone of PFS. They say there is always a woman behind the success of a man but in our case, we both strive to succeed by holding the hands of each other!

Q9. The Moral-:
“FORTUNE”-what is its definition in accordance of astrological point of view?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: In simple words, fortune is a bank locker having two keys. One is safe at the authority and the other one in the responsibility of the customer! The locker would open if both of them come together to put the keys in the keyhole. Fortune requires endeavors and opportunity. Sometimes we strive so hard and render the best, yet we don’t get the desired result and in a contradictory scenario, there are opportunities in ample but we become sluggish to put our hard work. So if you wish to be fortunate, do your KARMA and pray for your KARMA to be approved by the Supreme Soul directing everything through his own plot!
Q10. The Moral-:
What’s the desire you are willing to fulfil in the coming decades which will enhance the people developmental actions as an astrologer?
Shweta Bhardwaj-: Life is a process of constant learning and I don’t want to be an exception! I want to learn. I want to learn the intricacies of the dimension of spirituality. I want to be connected to the rock bottom principles of every religion. The upcoming generation should know the spirit of spirituality and should not consider Religion as a divider! Religion doesn’t dissect people into tiny crates of X, Y, or Z, rather it unites all in a mantra of universal fraternity. So my prime goal in the coming years is only to be a help in the well-being of people.