HEALTH –The most precious thing all over the world for each and everybody. Otherwise it be the state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Then it followed over with certain surround with a set of mind, which concerned to the involvement of certain physical setup. A pleasant environment creates such pleasant surround and the pleasant surround makes a qualified mind with the involvement of welly formed health. If mind and its involved brain is not in order by the human with full form of automation, then entire health system will be damaged. So we have the response for emphasizing to take care not only for ourselves but also for others, in a case for anyone with facing of critical stage of mindset.

There having lots of classification and numerous symptoms of several types of mental disorder. Among these dissociation or dissociated disorder be the problem, by through every thing will  be goes along on improper manner & each and every life cycle will be followed over with so abnormality manner. So lets discuss regarding the reason & symptoms of this disorder category.


Basically dissociation or dissociative disorder occurs  with any human, when a candidate falls with the disconnection of natural action, identity and surround. It deals with shocked past memory and conveys a discontinuity between thoughts, memories with respect to the surround and identity. The disease develops by getting extreme form of trauma with the involvement of difficult memories. After falling with this disease, memory can be loss for a certain period. Then the natural sense & emotion may be differed and detached from the candidate. Candidate also might be get the disability for any executions due to emotional or professional stress. Mental health problem may be arise like depressive, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. There having some other vital cause of this disease that with a long term physical, sexual or emotional abuse of involvement, since childhood. Then in case of a person, when he/she losses the self-position with the involvement of depressive action, then the candidate also losses the self-personality simultaneously and suffered with this type of disorder. By through he/she could not communicated properly near of others. Even some times feels very problematic to speak.


Now we could think over on the solution form of steps for this disordered state and that’s belongs on several types as followed on the bellow.

1-Psychotherapy or Talk Therapy-:It is the one of vital process of treatment, which be the one of broad things constituted with the action for changing the dysfunctional changing patterns with feeling and behaving. It conveys the vital role by throughout the nearer & dearer, which having response to keep the moral support to the dissociated disordered patient.

2-Cogntive Behavioral Therapy-: It is the process by through the the candidate could able to get sufficient source to vanish the negative thoughts and get confident & positive hopes to survive & grow. It can be done throughout spirituality, meditation & motivation and any other type of inspirational gaining resource. This process develops the normality among the patient’s life & makes them- steady, slow downed, balanced, stabled and power holder of consistent.

3-Family Treatment-:It be the most simple processed treatment by through the patient or the candidate could find help & support from any loved one.

4-Phasic trauma and dialectical Therapy-:This therapy could prevent the suicidal & self-destructive thoughts. Also could re-generate the actual identities in case of identities losses . Also it improvises the learning skill to control the emotion with preventive approach of harmful behaviors.




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