Personality-it is a god given source to any human, by through we exist a life with a sort of character. It states to a set of naturally formed human behavior, activity and nature. Next part we could able to represent ourselves near of other people and over the society also by conveying form of our self-personality. Personality consisted with basically four set of properties; that is-sensing, thinking, feeling & behaving. Firstly any human needs to sense the surround & its functional activities. Then the way of receiving the sensation called as thinking & the reactive form will be hold as its feeling to the surround and the final one will be the behaving, which concerned with the action that follows with a specified activities by through the human in the involved form of its concerned surround. Whenever a child born & comes to the earthly world, that time he/she bears with some natural behavioral symptom, which expresses as their personality. Then after when they grow with interface of its surround, that time they also get to be involved with some sense in an associated form of some knowledge sphere to accept it as per their potential. Where potential enhances the parameter of thinking & feeling.
Mentionable a human extends his/her life cycle basically in between the age of 15.Where he/she spends the time of phase for learning and these time phases influences his/her entire life to be either a successful or failure person for the society. So personality development is a vital thing for each & every person and society essentially seeks it for the development & success. Because individual development or success formulates a class of development or success. So question may come to the every one’s mind that, “WHAT IS SUCCESS!!!!! ????” As per some ignorant people’s thought “success be the point, where we will achieve the all benefits to make our life be the fill of form of happy”. It absolute to absolutely wrong. Getting the happiness is not anyone’s aim of life. Then some other ignorant keeps their statement regarding the mean of success that, “the process to reach upon our ideal aim is success.” It also some portion of wrong. Success or development states that the such authentic form of process where we can make our self-development in a versatile manner of others & social development at the same process. Next part the aim point and the selected way for reaching at the aim point must be equally placed upon with good moral value & ideology.
So vital thing be the by throughout which way we can develop our personality. During the childhood the way depended with the parent & family guidance and teaching. Then in the developed age it depended on the teacher’s guidance & their way of teaching. In the matured age the guide should be choose as himself to develop the self-personality. In overall by considering a full life cycle of phase there having several people’s response for the personality development; like- parents, family, teacher and candidate himself. From childhood to adulthood all family member & parents having response to give the moral teach by following several ideology and among the numerous ideology “MYTHOLOGY” is the most inspirational & superior form of ideology by through people can develop their personality with a very well defined form of manner.
Now let’s discuss around the mythology and how we can analyse several personalities by considering mythology and could able to develop our personality by following them.

BRAHMA-:BRAHMA is the god, Who regarded as the creator of the universe.
VISHNU-:VISHNU is established for the administrating section of the universe.
MAHESHWAR-:MAHESHWAR is regarded as the destroyer of universe.
In first, keeping an elaboration regarding the personality of BRAHMA, he is the sober personality,who conveys the nature of dedication. Without any expectation he made the entire beautiful universe. But most of people don’t worship him or even don’t remembers him. Otherwise this is the ultimate truth that,without him there have no possibility of existence of universe. So always a chief or a lead personality should follow the moral way of dedication. Number of people depends on the response from the chief in an ideal form of manner. So an ideal action could able to bring the changes over the society and can makes an effective class of society by following the ideal personality of property one, that is dedication.
Then in the second, the lord VISHNU be the administrator of universe who administrates the entire universe in a form of honesty & well behavioral form of manner. His personality states that, our behavior & approach should be reached at the point of that level of extension, where our internal good nature will be influenced to the other. Even by throughout the good nature & attitude, our enemy & wicked people may be changed as like as our friend.

Here is the picture showing that the snake is the protecting source of lord Vishnu over his head. The nature all knows regarding the snake that as wicked animal. But if we choose our personality as an ideal way of implementation, then the people may be changed by such influence form of our our good nature & personality and our enemy will become as our friend & protector.
Similarly, MAHESHWAR regarded as the destroyer of universe- he be the conveyed form of multiple personality,who can destroy the evil power of universe and also he is the personality who can take the poison for protection of other people. That being in form of dedication of nature. Also he can tackle to the any wicked thing or the people and could handle the danger so efficient form of manner. For why a snake always enhances his body as the ornament. So we may develop our personality as VERSATILE & MULTIPLE- if we choose ourselves as determined person with well form of thought.

As per the mythological view of consideration DURGA is the form of sourced energy, so she regarded as the SHAKTI. Which be the root power of source for any kind of other energy and it can’t be destroyed & conserved from one form to another. Otherwise she replicated with several form implementation like basically nine forms. That is 1-KUSHMANDA,2-BRAHMACHRINI,3-CHANRAGHANTA,4-SIDDHIDATRI,
*First form is the KUSHMANDA- means state to that- Ku(“little”)+Ushma(“warmth”) or (“energy”) + Anda (“cosmic egg”). This is the form identified for the symbol of wealth, peace and progress. Otherwise as per the mythology she be the lighted ray from the darkness. By inspiring her nature, every woman may choose to herself as a revolutionary form in such conveyed form of moral value and ideology. By through out this,the entire world may get such lesson to accept the positive thing by refusing the negativity.
*Second form is the BRAHMACHRINI-Who identified as a student attached with her guru. Next part she is the wisdom source for world. By following her personality we can keep our habit to maintain our hungriness for getting knowledge by refusing the ego. Because if we add the ego with our personality, then knowledge will be absolutely reduced.
*Third form is the CHANDRAGHANTA is the symbol of grace, bravery and courage. Some people thinks- brave and courage be the nature, who don’t care to anything or to the any opposition. But it couldn’t be fully perfected, if the grace attitude will not mixed with the nature of brave and courage.
*Fourth form is the SIDDHIDATRI- indicated for supernatural power or meditative ability, and giver or awarder. High degree Concentration & strong determination be the nature we should be added with our personality for achieving all types of well concerned achievement and success by following her.
*Fifth form is the KATAYANI- being characterized with the nature of anger which can destroy any negative energy. So to tackle the complicated society, some time we should seek ourselves in a form of anger. Though GRACE & SOBER attitude being added with us already but to be a successful personality we should be replicated in a form of multiple personality, that is essential.
* Sixth form is the MAHA GAURI-being characterized as an ideal wife and the power of lord MAHESHWAR(SHIVA). That is the sign of vital responsibility of any woman and how they can maintain their self-world & the outer world simultaneously.
*Seventh form is the KAALRATRI be the most determined bold power which can destroy the negativity & evil power so frightfully. This personality we may choose or may not be choose if essentially the such situation will not come upon our life. Because peace is the ultimate truth of universe rather than the revenge & violence.
*Eight form is the SKANDA MATA regarded as the mother of SKANDA & KARTIKEYA. It enhances the role & position of a mother in the entire universe. In the modern age some women may forget their perfected response & duty. But universal power never forgets to do that. Before getting always we should keep upon our mind to give & give up to the infinite limitation in a conveyed form of our dedication of nature.In a return,universe also reverts the right form of outcome with good deed. It also bearing in absolute & ultimate form of truth.
*9th form is the SHAILAPUTRI,the daughter of SHAILA or HIMALAYA mountain. This elaborates the several replication of form of WOMAN- she can be a daughter or wife or mother but universe always expects something unique and special action & responsibility from women. Where the special action & responsibility be the authentic development of society keeps with a hidden form manner among the women.
RAM is the most honest & prestigious personality of TRETYA YOUG conveyed with sober & graced nature. To bring the ideal moral on the world politics, his philosophy & think can be stand among us as an ideal path for following. For truth & honesty, he had left all the happiness from the royal activity and choose himself as a simple inhabitant at the forest for 14 years. Also he had never compromised with any dishonesty or any evilly activity, even killed the powerful demon RAVAN at LANKA for rescuing DEVI SITA. For the honesty & royal duty he also relinquished her pious wife.

BALMIKI be the sage who was spending his life in the earlier stage as a bandit & monster. His personality was filled with full packaged ruthless nature. But his will power, wisdom and meditation made him as a pious & honest personality. So no one here as good or bad since the born period and we can change our personality if we could interface with some proper & honest guidance and if we having the strong determination & will power.

In the personality development very vital things be the self-identification in a form of self-respect. First we have to knows our self-position & self-capability to enhance our personality. Hanuman was the most powerful person but once upon a time he was unable to identifies to his self-capability & potential. For why JAMBABAAN the BHALUKA KING was kept the effort to memorized his power.

UNITY fragrances on their nature and personality, which could be held as a key point of success for any people. Whatever be the obstacle & problem on our life cycle, we can definitely overcome it, if we having unity & strong determination. We shouldn’t quit from our right path, if the path may be filled with much more of hardship, definitely we shall overcome it, if we having the such strong determination,consistency and will power.

Buddha is the most sober & ruth personality, who left everything for the wisdom & humanity. We can make our life full form of concentrated & developed by following the path of peace.

1 Comment
The article is very much appreciable which has an innovative annalistic value on personality development reffering to the mythological aspects.
I extend my heartful thanks & regards to the admin