In which way the entire world is keenly trembling with pandemic fear and the covid19 crossing the all demising extension over the world, it really a mulligrubs thing for entire world. Lakh to lakh and million to million people died due to this virus. Also this virous bringing a miserable situation for all country in term of economic down and unemployment problem. This virous snatched the meal from the mouth of poor people and added more to more curious obstacle for future period. Not only the poor but also the reach, now all of the citizen’s countenance expressing that no one having the life is fill with glee.

Question may come with everyone’s mind that why in a sudden of moment this virous comes to the world like destroying equipment and vanishing all of our peace. This resemblance concerned with an ultimate truth in a hidden form of point of view. That is our THOUGHT OF OUR PEOPLE. Our thought and action is the only thing which pushing us towards our demise. Let’s keep extend the elaboration toward the most developed country CHIN. From Wuhan town, this all process on demise was started and influenced to the entire world negatively in a few span of time period. We are knowing that in the wuhan chemical research laboratory, the research work was going on to make this virous. Even some other developed country like AMERICA has contributed their fund & moral support toward the fulfilment of making the virous, even generate $37,000,00 amount of fund. Badly the research work not achieved the success but brought a damaging factor for entire world. The point to be noted that why chin was working on this dangerous virous and why the other developed country was also involved with it. Intention be the only for self-protection and self-development without a right manner of approach, even some of negative thought being assigned with it as well. Because if the CORONA VUROUS might be made successfully, then the involved country might be used with this virous as weapon for the defence administration. Also the virous could be applied to the other country for defeating.

But mentioning that, what’s the meaning of this development if some other one destroying with this development. Wats the mean of violence, what we will get at the last??!! We blessed with the technology but why we applying it with negative way of manner. If we wish we can make out some option of development in positive way of manner, by through no one will be get loss from any of point. We can take out some ideology of classical and spiritual point of view as example. There was a time when SIDHARTH GOUTAM was a prince of Indian kingdom KAPILBASTU and the son of emperorSUDHODAN. That time king was the one& only superior, who can take any decision and no one can break the such decision. During this custom lots of war was obtained in between the kings for wealth and kingdom. SIDHARTH GOUTAM was a divine soul who was flowed with own thought and away from the custom’s rule and regulation. As per his, peace is the ultimate truth for world and we should avoid as possible to the war. If someone attacking to us, then we should discover some way to tackle it without opposite people’s demising. Even SIDHARTH GOUTAM himself was a great fighter & warrior, still he didn’t fond with war and always preferred with nonviolence. As he was a wise prince, so did effort on discovering such technique by through enemy will defeat on war without losing his life. As apure soul he always thought that our effort should follows the such way where the enemy will be changed from the thought of enmity. This SIDHARTH GOUTAM after that choose the way as a monastery and named & famed with BUDDHA and did epoch an era with nonviolence.


So considerable a people like SIDHARTH GOUTAM who don’t preferred the kingdom, wealth and the royal prestige and made his way toward the spiritual and social activity as monastery. Then why we people now on modern age do fighting with each other for some temporary things. We should keep on our mind that- the such happiness & the such success needed to us, if it will give to no one the sorrow or any loss, then this moral value will be regarded as real form of happiness & success. which assigns with approach of authenticity. We should extend our way to win for himself with right manner. Not actually defeat to any one with negative manner. So if the skilled and wise researcher do some authentic job with right spirit, then an option could be placed over society by through everyone may be benefited without any loss and may the negativity on world canbe vanished by through the well form of technology.


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